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Christ Church Cathedral (Episcopal)

1117 Texas Avenue • Houston, Texas 77002-3183


Matthew Dion, headshot 3.jpg

Matthew is the organ scholar at Christ Church Cathedral (Episcopal) in Houston TX. He works closely with Canon for Music Robert Simpson and Cathedral Organist Daryl Robinson to present inspiring and beautiful music for all major Sunday services, choral evensongs, lessons and carols, funerals, weddings, and more. In addition to his duties at the Cathedral, Matthew serves as accompanist for The Treble Choir of Houston under the direction of Marianna Parnas-Simpson. 



The Cathedral itself houses the Edwin Robinson Spotts Memorial Organ, a 1938 Aeolian-Skinner instrument. Ned Gammons, Organist & Choirmaster at the time, served as the consultant for the design of Op. 976 and the instrument was dedicated in March of 1939. Revisions to the instrument have since been completed by Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co. (1954 and 1968); William Stephens, and the companies of Visser & Associates and Schoenstein & Co. (1980-1990); the addition of the William N. Barnard Memorial Antiphonal Organ by Schantz Organ Co. (1991); revisions and additions by John Hendriksen (1993); and a new console, additions, and restoration work by Richard Houghten, Manuel Rosales, and Joe Sloane (2012) and voicing work by Wayne Simpson in 2017-2018. The current instrument contains 66 stops, 90 ranks, and 5,045 pipes.



The Golding Chapel Organ is a smaller instrument by the Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co of Boston, MA, Op. 3013 which was built in 1939. Refurbishment, additions, and new control system were carried out by Richard Houghten, Inc. in 2019 and again by Tom Martin and Wayne Simpson in 2022. 


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